Friday, May 3, 2019

Global Executive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global Executive - Essay Exampleus opportunities available in todays transnational business environments a world(prenominal) executive has to support a profile to explore these possibilities and navigate his company. He has to have a vision and a strategy. Kenneth Chenault is the chief executive officer of American Express (AmEx), a company that forwarded freight and valuables initially. Today AmEx has evolved into a company that creates and sells pecuniary products and is well known for its charge observance. International expansion has made American Express a globose payments company. Kenneth Chenault has most of the qualities if not all, that are required to succeed in a global and a exceedingly competitive credit- and charge-card business. According to Timothy OBrien (1999) Chenault is known to be a savvy marketer and a determined revenue builder.A global executive has to have the following competencies Strong wariness skills, able to think globally, sensitive enough to build lead effective teams that are diverse (cross-cultural), competitive, keen in recruiting talent from different regions, must be able to teach, motivate and influence, strong in construct inter-persinal relationships, ready to empower people, must ensure feedbacks, has to be a good listener and a communicator as well , ability to encourage constructive dialogue, leadership qualities to lead change and innovation and last exactly not least to learn from experience.. Doug Lennick and Fred Kiel (2005) have said in their book that the four elements vital for preserve success are integrity, responsibility, compassion and forgiveness. A global executive has to have these qualities.Being a global executive means having a vision and a right strategy. His strategy was to expand the charge card network through banks and financial institutions offering wider financial and investment services and increasing the market piece of ground in niche segments like small businesses and overseas markets. He used technolgy like the web and languish cards for this purpose. He

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